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Updated October 2017

The internet, along with our access to information, is expanding each and every day. As information proliferates, it intertwines with our lives in such a way that it feels like an extension of our minds. This is both terrifying and exciting.

It scares the sh#t out of me because I work in marketing and therefore know that when you search in Google you’re only getting access to the information they have decided you get access to, usually influenced heavily by how much money the publisher is willing to spend. It also excites me to no end however, as there is content being added to the ever expanding database of information at a ridiculously rapid pace. Now, thanks to Google, we have millions of publishers both experts and idiots, sharing their knowledge with the world You can find out anything and everything you want to know, sometimes without even lifting a finger (thank you Siri).

By pushing the boundaries of what technology can really do for us  we can think of new and exciting ways to make the customer experience easier across all consumer touch points.

When looking for a flat to rent online at spareroom.co.uk back in 2013, I went through to the advanced search section and filled out the form in quite a lot of detail. Selecting my perfect room with move in dates, price, size of the bedroom, and all the other necessary things to consider when looking for a new place to live. I returned quite a small number of results, so at the bottom, SpareRoom provided me with this:

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 15.41.14

This succinct list of how many matches I could have if I used different combinations of my preferences, made it quite easy for me see which preference I may need to compromise on when making my decision.

This made my life a lot easier.

Remember the days when you would need to search again, with no idea which preference it was that left you with so few results, leading to hours of random combination searches? This small simplification has helped me see exactly what I need to exclude form my searches to improve the results, and as such I spent a lot more time on the site and I know I will return to use it again.

Now, thats what I believe marketing is all about. Creating a simple and memorable experience for the customer, across all platforms. By ensuring copy and visual design supports clear and engaging communnications with your customers at each and every touch point, you can be sure that they will enjoy the product experience and share your brand and service with others.

Simplification is the key.IMG_0451.JPG
